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Title :

Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: The Recollection, Familiarity, and Novelty Detection conference

Date / Time:

03-10-2019 - 09:00

Type of seminar :

Seminar and meetings

Summary :

2nd edition of the conference « Cognitive neuroscience of memory: Recollection, familiarity and novelty detection ». The conference proposes a state-of-the-art overview by renowned experts in the study of memory. The talks will present recent advances brought by the main methodological approaches: cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging (functional MRI, ERPs, intracranial recording). Moreover, the speakers have all contributed to theoretical frameworks on mechanisms involved in recollection, familiarity and novelty detection. Young PhD students and post-doctoral researchers will be given the opportunity to present their work and to discuss with the experts theoretical and methodological aspects of the cognitive neuroscience of memory.

Call for abstracts: deadline August 2, 2019 3 and 4 october 2019

Name of speakers :

Bernhard Staresina, Rik Henson, Magdalena Sauvage, Yana Fandakova, Louis Renoult and Roni Tibon

Speaker's affiliation :

Germany and UK

Website link :

Address :

Avenue de l’Hôpital, 1 (B34), 4000 Liège
GIGA, Auditorium Leon Fredericq
Floor number :5
4000 Liège

Registration :

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